The Team Breakthrough family of personal trainers has been hand picked for their knowledge, their ability to support and motivate clients, and for their own sporting achievements.


Dave Wilby is the founder and CEO of Team Breakthrough.

It was his vision in 2002 to create a company that represented a new level in health and performance. A brand that guaranteed quality. Since then Dave has spent a countless time studying around the world with the best of the best. He has extensive knowledge in therapy, training, nutrition and functional medicine. His aim is to make Team Breakthrough a one stop shop for private health care, whether you have a bad back, a health problem, want to take control of your fitness or want to gain the edge over your rivals in your sport.

Dave is one of only a handful of people in the country who can perform soft tissue realignment of the atlas / axis (Neck) so spends a lot of time in this area however has vast experience in treating all sorts of problems. He also consults to major companies and runs corporate health programs to get the most out of their workforce. He finds great pleasure in achieving results where others have failed. All that considered he is surprisingly easy going and communicative. He likes a laugh and enjoy the finer things in life too.

He welcomes all clients from both professional athletes to the plenty of people who have no interest in sport whatsoever. Whether it be a small niggle or a long term degenerative problem Dave guarantees a 1st class service for everyone.

Dave Wilby


Vincent is  NASM certified Personal Trainer from Hong Kong. He has experience in working for a big box gym in his home country.He has a profound interest in corrective exercise. He particularly enjoys helping customers improve their function, balance and reduce pain levels. He has great success at reducing lower back pain, stiffness of the hips, excessive pronation and postural issues. He is proficient in designing and reviewing exercise programmes by using the NASM OPT™ model.

His unrelenting enthusiasm and infectious personality make him a hugely popular member of the team.


Carl Wickenden – Carl is on the management team here at Breakthrough gym. He is very approachable and here to help you on your health and fitness journey. He first studied fitness at GSCE and then A Level,He then moved on to a Degree in Sports Therapy and an Honours Degree in Health and Fitness. He has been a fitness professional for 15 years starting in a sports clinic in Plymouth, and spending sometime in fitness management before joining Team Breakthrough.

He is now focused on making an impact on clients’ health through 1 on 1 specialised training. He is gaining a reputation for helping clients achieve maximising weight loss.

Katie A

Poliquin-trained and formerly a self confessed ‘cardio queen’, Katie has her own transformation experience to share with clients. After incorporating a structured resistance training element to her program her body fat went from 16% to an impressive 11.9%.

Katie has interned with some of the worlds best including Phil Richards and Phil Learney where her knowledge of training, nutrition and therapy is used on a daily basis. She is committed to supporting all clients, whatever their background or goals to achieving their own dreams with a warm and friendly approach.

She has been at Breakthrough gym for over a decade and attendance at her spin class’s are a must for endorphin seeking fitness enthusiasts.

Katie is also trained in Muscle Activation technique. These sessions help to increase range of motion by activation of sleepy muscles in the kinetic chain as apposed to just stretching. A world class approach and available here at Breakthrough gym. Ask Katie for a MAT session when you get a chance!

Katie Chalmers


Elfie brings incredible energy to the team. She has made an immediate impression with our customer base. She designs and runs the Breakthrough Yoga programme and hosts the inbody scanning clinics every Sunday. The feedback on her sessions have been outstanding bringing some Yin to our programme.

She loves to help people with their goals so if you want a hugely positive and emotionally intelligent trainer as your coach get in touch