The Myths:
“Lifting heavy will make me bulky”
“Lifting weights is for men”
“I want to get abs so i do lots of sit-ups”
“Cardio is the best way to loose weight”
“Women should train differently to men”
“Older women should not weight train”
The Facts:
Lifting heavy weights wont make you look bulky or manly. If you want to get that toned look as a female then you will need to lift heavier weights. Tone is muscle. Muscle gets built with lifting weights.
Your abs are always there, they are just hiding from you. You cannot spot burn fat. So doing those endless amounts of sit-ups is more likely to give you a bad back than giver you abs. Burn that fat off to reveal your abs. Best way to do that? Lifting weights and correct diet.
Cardio isn’t the best way to loose weight or fat. Lifting weights builds muscle and muscle burns those calories.
Women have a perception that if they train like a man then they will become bulky and man like, this is not the case. There is a lot more involved in this such as genetics and hormones. Women when you lift weights you will not turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger
Older women can most defiantly weight train and can actually be very beneficial for them. After menopause women are more susceptible to osteoporosis, the weakening of the bones. Weight training helps promote bone growth and density which helps prevent osteoporosis.
Feel more confident: the happier you are with yourself the more confident you become. This can change your mood and outlook of life. It can also help combat depression.
Increase your mood. Exercise causes the release of endorphins your bodies natural pain killer. This gives you a noticeable high feeling. This is why you often feel uplifted after a moderate or intense workout.
Better sleep and relieves stress. Exercise helps you relieve stress. Stress can cause a disrupted sleep patter. Hadley your stress with exercise and you will sleep better for it.
Better general health. Exercise is proven to reduce the risk of heart decease, diabetes, better cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Extra Information
Some people get nervous to increase muscle within their bodies, but having more muscle can be a great thing! Besides being more compact in the body, there are lots of health advantages to having more muscle mass.
Having more muscle mass in your body will
• boost your metabolic efficiency
• better your balance and mobility
• build a leaner physique
• enhance strength, stability, power and endurance
• improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control
• increase energy and vitality
• raise your confidence
• reduce your risk of injury
• strengthen athletic performance