From 57kg before getting pregnant to being 78kg just before giving birth to 56kg Dropping 22kg in 12 weeks As the manager of Team Breakthrough i wanted to show that you can get brilliant results in 12 weeks despite having recently had a baby and with all the pressures of motherhood.
After putting on 3.5 stone during my pregnancy i was eager to lose the baby weight. As soon as i was discharged from the hands of the health visitor i started my transformation. At first i had a consultation with Dave and he began to write my programs and give me a nutrition plan.
It is so important to me as a breast feeding mum to be as healthy and fit as possible for not just my sake but for Jacob my baby boy.
I started with training twice a week with my Personal trainer Katie, we began slowly by building up my strength and making sure i was doing all the exercises correctly so i didn’t hurt myself.
After 3 weeks I then began training 3 times per week and the sessions started to get more vigorous, my strength began to come back and i could see my baby weight falling off.
The sessions were always different and always exciting. I felt stronger on the inside, so although i was slightly sleep deprived, training really helped get the blood flowing and kept me so fit and focused. my diet was simple…cut out all the bad stuff!
I gave up bread and sweet things i still aloud myself cheats, and i took regular supplements which helped both me and jacob. The nutrition plans really helped as when i was stuck for a snack i would refer back to my plan and concoct something healthy instead of grabbing the chocolate!
Katie as my trainer is absolutely brilliant, she explains all the exercises in depth so i could not go wrong, as well as being very strict with me pushing me and driving me forward. She is very understanding and sympathetic, so if i had an off day she would adjust my program to suit.
I am so proud of all our trainers as they continually get amazing results with their clients, but having gone through the 12 weeks myself i must applaud the effort of all the clients. You have to put in the time, effort and commitment if you really want to get the results in a hurry. I carry on training twice a week now for enjoyment and to keep up my fitness, i also love the atmosphere in the gym and everyone is so friendly, i always look forward to my next session.