I have been training with Katie for nearly a year and in that time she has helped me train for x3 consecutive events; has changed my entire outlook with regards to diet and has shown me how to train effectively and efficiently.
Katie is an absolute delight to work with – she is professional, understanding, empathetic and always driven in helping me achieve all my goals in a manner which is both realistic and sustainable.
I first approached Katie last April with the aim of running x3 half marathons over three consecutive weekends. I needed guidance and help in achieving this goal and Team Breakthrough was recommended to me so I took the plunge.
Katie is a runner herself and this compounded her understanding of my needs. She worked with me regularly both in the gym and out of the gym to help build my stamina and strength and to help reduce body fat. She demonstrated flexibility by varying my exercise and dietary programmes according to my training needs and always listened and responded to any concerns or worries I had.
Every session was pitched to enable me to work at maximum capacity within a secure and safe environment. I managed to achieve my goal of running the x3 half marathons and achieved PB’s in the process, even managing to run two of them in under 2 hours, something which had always eluded me.
Katie texted me in advance of each half marathon and even came to watch and support me at the first. This was way above the call of duty but just another example of her supportive outlook with regards to her clients. I have continued to attend Team Breakthrough since completing my challenge and together we are working out what my next challenge should be! Her sessions continue to be enormously varied, explosive and exhausting but always great fun!
Although I am not running as much as I was (I’m waiting for winter to disappear!) I am still managing to stay fit and maintain my weight by means of regular training at Team Breakthrough both 1 to 1 with Katie and by means of the group classes.
I am as enthusiastic as ever about Katie and the entire team at Team Breakthrough and would not hesitate in recommending both Katie and the rest of the team – they have enhanced my appreciation and understanding of exercise and diet and have transformed me!
Thank you!